Jennifer Schwalm

Not everyone has to grow up happiness and self-evident with cats, including myself.

Sure, I grew up in the village, animals part of everyday life and were ubiquitous, but unfortunately even dealing with it.

No castration of Hofkatzen, too many babies questionable methods to get rid of the large number of small cats.

I learned with just six years, that it can not only be a joyful experience when new life comes into the world.

In my childishness I ran to the farmers and called him a, mean old bastard 'and stuck her tongue out!

Today, almost 30 years later, I have to help the chance as a member of sofa heroes before, and not just to watch!

As Anke, who brought me my two cats from Mexico 8 years ago, asked me if I would be interested to actively do something for the cats and against the ignorance of the people, I did not have to think long ...

It was a labor of love to me!

Next to my tigers Coocki and Felice still accompanies me my dog ​​Matti and very soon hopefully one or the other nursing cat.

I especially look forward to the preventive work in education but also in Germany and it fills me with pride a part of this association to be.

Every single cat, we can help on the way, warms my heart!